cast: Johnny Depp , mia wasikowska, helena bonham carter, Anne Hathaway.
this movie is high quality that timboton's direction makes many briliant characters.
the red queen is boasting her very big head. she talks "cut off head!" as habit and she does monocracy. anything punished if herself doesn't like act.
in contrast, red queen's sister white queen is beautiful, good ability.
alice seems to pioneer who will exchange the era that a red queen govering.
and, our mad hatter, Johnny Depp! he lived to ordinary life who he trying to help the era that exchange alice because he lost all things to red queen.

In addition, there is individual characters of fat twins bro, cheshire cat, rabbit etc..
I didn't see it to 3D movie, Sense of color was too excellent, and background was too beautiful.
director tim burton was use strange language as frabjous, vorpal(maybe sword name) etc...
At first, these scripts are confused, but it was enough interesting.
when mad hatter won war of red queen at finally scene, 'Futterwacken Dance', so funny!^^

Also, I remember that quote
this quote sounds like talk to himself, tim burton"you are stupid. inter nos, nice people are that's it all "
what I one thing feel the lack of movie is so ended easily.
Requested feeling happened to an obvious end that I was too much expectation.
but, I recommend this movie that if person feel visually an interest than content .